hi. my name is kat and i see hearts.
I'm not sure when exactly I started seeing them but for the past year I've been taking pictures of them with my phone and sending them to a couple of my friends, Oanh, Lindsey, Carmen, and Ana to be exact. I've flooded their picture message inboxes many a times. Oanh and Lindsey have been urging me to share them with others, and so this blog is born. Here are some of the sightings that I've saved on my phone. I promise to buy a proper digital camera so the images will be of a higher quality in the future, but for now, please bear with me.

greenwich village, coming out of a dance performance

UES somewhere, on my way to a book release

at my desk at work, to the left of my keyboard.

subway window, it was blue, looks white in the picture

at my favorite bar on a saturday afternoon, napkin lint
(carmen just pointed out the reflection of the glass on the table makes a heart as well)

scallion that was in my ramen at dinner with Oanh

125th street subway station, nyc

i was eating peanuts at a bar when i looked down at my napkin and i saw a piece of peanut skin

in my cheerios

in balducci's meat section

i took out my favorite vintage poster to measure it to find a frame, noticed the waterstain

in my crust of bread at lunch

125th station, nyc

i was going through a break up and was upset when i looked up from my seat on the train and saw this one on the window. it gave me peace.

on the stairs down to the subway, on the corner of the last place i met up with a guy i had just broken up with

on the marble stairs leading up to my apartment

in the hall entrance way in my apartment

one day at work i looked down on the floor by my desk and saw this

at home, upside down in the glass

in my coffee one morning at work