i was having a good day. had a good lunch date, and was taking the long way home because the weather was so nice.

i was having a lovely dinner with eric and david. afterwards, eric ordered some turkish coffee, i was about to drink some. then i got a goofy grin on my face when i saw the heart. eric and david looked at me strangely when i whipped out my camera. i didn't really want to explain why i was taking a picture of coffee.

i was out to dinner with some of my friends after seeing a fantastic show. i smiled my goofy smile into my beer and the girls knew exactly what was going on. they know me so well.

i saw this at jody's place. she had invited me over for dinner and was cooking in the kitchen so her boyfriend frank and i were talking when i stopped the conversation and ran over to take a picture. he said "jody, you friend is weird, she's taking pictures of the bookcase!" to which jody replied "yeah she's weird, why do you think she's my friend?"

walking out of r, t, and p's apartment. they aren't exactly perfectly shapped but i think they read as hearts anyway.
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